Zotery style for publishing in eBioMedicine (lancet)

what style meet the following requirements?
Here is an example for a journal reference (note the use of tab, bold, italic, and the en rule or “long” hyphen):
“15[tab]Saito N, Ebara S, Ohotsuka K, Kumeta J, Takaoka K. Natural history of scoliosis in spastic cerebral palsy. Lancet 1998; 351[bold]: 1687–[en rule]92.”
• Give any subpart to the title of the article
• If there are six authors or fewer, give all six in the form:
surname space initials comma
• If there are seven or more give the first six in the same way,
followed by et al
• For a book, give any editors and the publisher, the city of
publication, and year of publication
• For a chapter or section of a book, also give the authors and title
of the section, and the page numbers

the zotero style guide example references is totally inadequate to determine this it really needs an example citation with 10 or more authors to see how the style affects normal papers in life science
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