Feature suggestion: replace dash with en-dash automatically in "Pages" field

edited March 22, 2024
This should be easy to implement, and I believe it would improve the typography of countless bibliographies dramatically. When I enter a value into the "Pages" field (say "37–45"), I have to manually choose the appropriate en-dash rather than the hyphen available on the keyboard (which on a Windows PC amounts to the pressing of one button combination and three clicks for a single symbol). Especially when copy-and-pasting or importing via the browser plugin a hyphen ("37-45") can sneak in and be easy to overlook, leading to irregular and ugly results in the final bibliography. I believe it would be a good idea for Zotero to auto-replace hyphens with en-dashes in that particular field (possibly with an option to shut off this feature in the options, in case there are ways of citing that don't use the en-dash that I am unaware of)
  • Zotero (or rather CSL) automatically does that when generating bibliographies. Are you not seeing that?
  • So it does! I just tried it out. I have no idea why I thought it didn't. Thanks for letting me know, not having to worry about this will speed up my workflow tremendously.
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