Sync Error when trying to use Notero, not syncing to Notion

Hi, I could really use some help. Here is the problem:

Report ID: 1113397750

[JavaScript Error: "APIResponseError: query failed validation. Fix one:
query.v should be not present, instead was `"34335ec993564d61800dcd2f55a927ee"`.
query.pvs should be not present, instead was `4`."]

[JavaScript Error: "APIResponseError: body failed validation. Fix one:
body.parent.page_id should be defined, instead was `undefined`.
body.parent.database_id should be a valid uuid, instead was `"633030c54bd94b789bdfea114c3e9b39?"`."]

I have followed every step to integrate my notion into my Zotero, made a collection, used my secret ID and database ID in zotero, and yet I keep getting one of these two errors when I upload a journal or article. It does not sync into my notion, but my sync is set up and ready to go.
I think it's a problem with my database ID but I don't know what it is. Or how to fix it. Please help!
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