pCloud eWebDav sync does not work on iOS

edited May 23, 2024
Error message: Could not connect to WebDav server. The same settings work for the desktop app (URL https://ewebdav.pcloud.com:443, normal pCloud credentials). Shortening the URL to https://ewebdav.pcloud.com Verify Server sometimes works without any error, but attachements are not synced regardless of file size.

Deleting the cloud folder zotero and reuploading the library using the Desktop did not fix the issue.

Would you have any thoughts on this? Happy to provide any further information
  • "However, WebDAV available only for pCloud Premium since February 11th, 2022, The WebDAV free plan doesn’t allow WebDAV access. If you wish to continue using WebDAV, you can upgrade your plan to Premium and enjoy." from: https://www.multcloud.com/tutorials/pcloud-webdav-0121-gc.html
  • Same here. I have no problems connecting to pCloud's WebDAV server using Zotero desktop application on macOS, but connection fails every time on iOS.

    @j.mammen, have you found any solution yet?
  • edited May 23, 2024
    Hi guys, when you verify your pcloud credentials you don't see any errors? If you do, can you share them? Also can you send us a debug id of you trying to sync to WebDAV?
  • edited May 23, 2024
    @michalrentka @labaguette
    Thanks for getting back on this! I tried it again just now (reuploading the library to pCloud using the Desktop app beforehand) and everything seems to work. Had really tried everything back in march, maybe some update fixed the issue? Thanks again!

    „Verify Server“ initially displayed the same error (Could not connect to WebDav server), but it just kinda worked after restarting the app.
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