Problem with Zotero and Word


when I want to add my citation into the word document the word document is often just closing and does not let me put my citation. This does not happen continously but most of the time.
I did not have this problem last year and zotero used to be working just fine but now it does not anymore. I already tried to deinstall Word and Zotero and install it again but this also did not work.
What else could I do?
  • Are you saying that Word is crashing, or something else?

    Can you provide a Report ID from Zotero?

    What exact version of Word?
  • Hey,
    sorry for the late reply. For the last days word and zotero have been working okay but now word is crashing again.

    So this is the Report ID: 2038686839

    It's this word version: Microsoft® Word für Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2402 Build 16.0.17328.20124) 64 Bit .
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