Zotero desktop (windows): item is selected by mouse hover, how to disable this behavior?

I searched a lot, did not find anything related to this behavior! Maybe the issue is from my side, any way, here are the steps:
1. Open Zotero desktop app (windows 11),
2. Click on some item
3. Move the mouse to another item (just hover over the item, without clicking).

Actual behavior: the item under the mouse is being selected!
Expected behavior: the selected item in step 2 should still be selected!

Any idea on how to disable item selection by mouse hover?
  • That's certainly not normal. You should disable any Zotero plugins, restart your computer, and disable any system utilities that might be interfering.
  • It turns out "verbace-pro" desktop application is the cause of this issue, when shutdown, the behavior becomes normal!

    Thank you @dstillman.
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