GALE databases
Zotero doesn't seem to be picking up the journal title from Gale databases. I've tried both Expanded Academic ASAP and Infotrac Onefile using Gale's "Powersearch" interface.
shandersonAnything more on this? I can confirm that Gale and Zotero can't seem to see each other. Are Gale systems just incompatible? We have a decent amount of Gale databases at our school, so this is a significant issue.
TjowensZotero works with several GALE products. Could you specify which one your having trouble with?
shandersonAcademic Onefile, Gale Virtual Reference Library, Contemporary Literary Criticism, and General Business File, to name a few. I haven't checked every Gale database we have, but that's a representative sampling of front-ends, at least. None of them pop up with a Zotero address bar icon at any level of "search, result, or item" the way most of our other resources do.
buffyjhamiltonI have GALE Virtual Reference Library, Opposing Viewpoints, Global Issues in Context, and History Reference Center....right now Zotero doesn't seem to be picking those up at this time.
liblambI will confirm this also for Academic OneFile. On the other hand, Zotero does seem to be able to harvest some metadata via CrossRef if the DOI is listed in an Academic OneFile record.
koniecaI was able to get Zotero to work with General Onefile, which I assume means it will work with other Gale databases that have the Citation Tools option. I just opened my Zotero Library on the same screen where I had General Onefile open. I then selected Citation Tools, and under Export to Third Party Software, I selected Reference Manager, and the citations were pulled into my Zotero library.