plugin or function for correcting author names?

Is there a way of correcting authors' names in much the same way as the duplicate tool does for titles? After some research, I think that the function is not yet available in Zotero and I'm thinking that it would probably be good if it were. The question concerns the management of authors (first and last names) who have already been entered in a library and whose spelling has turned out to be incorrect. Or spelling with a - or not, etc. You can of course correct by hand, but that means doing it reference by reference, having to select the right author each time and rewrite his or her name. When you have big libraries, this quickly becomes a pain, so much so that in the end you don't do it. Access to the table managing authors would make it possible to merge several variants of an author's handwriting and thus improve the consistency of the libraries. It seems to me that this would be useful but I'm not able to create such a plugin... Or, if someone know a way to perform this kind of correction?
  • Bumping this question as I have the same issue (working in Word here). Lots of single authors with lots of publications in this field. It is obvious to me who they are and that they are the same despite slight differences in middle name initials etc., but there must be a way to do this short of manually editing the name formatting for every single paper for every single author with multiple papers (not possible at this stage for me; I already did it to an extent but have had to abandon this tedious task). Perhaps I've missed some functionality update to address this issue?
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