webdav suddenly stopped working

Hi all.
my zotero can't suddenly connect anymore to my webdav server on synology.
I didn't change any setting at all.

my id for this error is: 786505967

it just tells me connection time out.. but my server is working properly

Thank you for your help
  • That's a problem with your connection or network configuration (proxy, etc.), not a problem in Zotero.
  • i have not changed any setting... it just tells me " request timed out"..
  • edited March 14, 2024
    We can't help you, sorry. Again, this isn't due to any change in Zotero.

    Restart your computer, networking gear, and server. Beyond that, see Connection Error.
  • ok, so you confirm that you didn't do any change in the way zotero uses webdav.. ok thank you then
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