How to sort reference list in chronological order from earliest to latest
When having several articles of the same author, my reference list lists the latest article first and the earliest article last, while I want it to be the other way around.
Right now it looks like this:
- Knutagård, M., 2023. Sweden, in: The Routledge Handbook of Homelessness. Routledge, London, pp. 394–403.
- Knutagård, M., 2018. Homelessness and Housing Exclusion in Sweden. Eur. J. Homelessness 12, 103–119.
- Knutagård, M., 2009. Skälens fångar: hemlöshetsarbetets organisering, kategoriseringar och förklaringar. Égalité, Malmö.
But i want it to automatically sort like this:
- Knutagård, M., 2009. Skälens fångar: hemlöshetsarbetets organisering, kategoriseringar och förklaringar. Égalité, Malmö.
- Knutagård, M., 2018. Homelessness and Housing Exclusion in Sweden. Eur. J. Homelessness 12, 103–119.
- Knutagård, M., 2023. Sweden, in: The Routledge Handbook of Homelessness. Routledge, London, pp. 394–403.
Is there a setting I can change in order to achive this? Thanks a lot, thesis due Friday heheee
(Swedish, in case anyone wonders about the wierd letters...)
When having several articles of the same author, my reference list lists the latest article first and the earliest article last, while I want it to be the other way around.
Right now it looks like this:
- Knutagård, M., 2023. Sweden, in: The Routledge Handbook of Homelessness. Routledge, London, pp. 394–403.
- Knutagård, M., 2018. Homelessness and Housing Exclusion in Sweden. Eur. J. Homelessness 12, 103–119.
- Knutagård, M., 2009. Skälens fångar: hemlöshetsarbetets organisering, kategoriseringar och förklaringar. Égalité, Malmö.
But i want it to automatically sort like this:
- Knutagård, M., 2009. Skälens fångar: hemlöshetsarbetets organisering, kategoriseringar och förklaringar. Égalité, Malmö.
- Knutagård, M., 2018. Homelessness and Housing Exclusion in Sweden. Eur. J. Homelessness 12, 103–119.
- Knutagård, M., 2023. Sweden, in: The Routledge Handbook of Homelessness. Routledge, London, pp. 394–403.
Is there a setting I can change in order to achive this? Thanks a lot, thesis due Friday heheee
(Swedish, in case anyone wonders about the wierd letters...)
ulahcherubimThis is handled by citation style. One solution would be to change the corresponding lines in csl file to sort it in the opposite way.
damnationIs this an error in the style you're using or just a requirement by you? In anyway, which style are you using? Easier to help that way.
anva4371Thank you for the advice, the style I have switched to work!!