Word toolbar hanging up

I'm working with a graduate student right now who is having a huge problem with the Word toolbar - the original problem presented as "I've got dashed lines under my citations, how do I get rid of them" so I talked her through the button that she can check/uncheck in the Zotero document preferences, and in what situations she might want to check it, etc.

However, she just met with me today to show me that it's really a problem bigger than that - her toolbar is just not responding - refresh will either hang up, or flip her over to her Zotero program, and we've waited and waited and nothing happens. She can't click refresh, add/edit citation, add/edit bibliography, even document preferences - nothing happens, or it just flips her over to the Zotero program and puts her cursor in the search bar.

We've tried the troubleshooting actions on this page for Mac: https://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_troubleshooting but it was already enabled. So we disabled, restarted, enabled, restarted. We've completely reinstalled both the plugin and Zotero itself. Nothing has worked.

She's on a Mac with Sonoma 14.2.1, using Word 16.83 and has the latest version of Zotero, 6.0.35


  • If it's a large document (which it sounds like it is, if "Automatically update citations" had gotten automatically disabled), she may just not have waited long enough — Word for Mac integration can unfortunately be quite slow.

    The other main possibility is that the citation dialog is appearing behind the main Zotero window.

    If she doesn't think it's either of those things, she should restart Zotero and provide a Debug ID for clicking Add/Edit Citation and waiting a few minutes.
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