[Zotero 7 Beta] Navigate to sub-collections from Filtered Collections

Is it possible to add the ability to navigate to sub-collections from a filtered view in the Collections Pane?
- With matching collections collapsed if they do not contain matching sub-collections
- But still possible to expand them to see their sub-collections and navigate to them

If I make a search for a collection, it will show the matching collections in black (white), while the higher level collections appear in grey. I can navigate all the higher level collections with mouse clicks.
However, the filtered view does not display the sub-collections. It is also not accessible from the filtered view, as the matching collection does not have the arrow to expand or collapse it.

The usage case would be to be able to compare the content of two similar collections located in different higher level collections.

Zotero 7.0.0-beta.66+d0299a1ac (64-bit)
Windows 10
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