Feature request: show ID on right hand pane


cmp-zotcite (https://github.com/jalvesaq/cmp-zotcite) use the ID of the citation in order to insert Zotero citations in Markdown files.

I think it is the name of the folder that contains the attachments of an entry, the folder that opens when you right click on an entry and select "Show File".

Would it be possible to show such an ID on the right pane, or to have a column with the ID in the middle pane?

  • edited March 11, 2024
    Does quick copy satisfy your need? You can write a script using Actions&Tags to copy the item ID. Since developers might address your request later, this would be a solution in the meantime. There is a script to copy item link that contains item ID of selected item, I think you can get item ID with a shortcut assigned to it via aforementioned plugin. I can't provide links to this plugin and script for now, but if you are interested in it, you can ping me and I would add a comment. Note that this plugin works only on Zotero 7 Beta.
  • > Quick copy

    Is this quick copy? https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/51757/quick-copy

    It doesn' seem to work with vim / neovim. When I drag an entry over neovim, nothing happens.

    > You can write a script using Actions&Tags to copy the item ID

    What is Actions&Tags?

    > Note that this plugin works only on Zotero 7 Beta.

    Oh, I'm still on 6 as I need a stable experience.
  • You might wanna try Zutilo then. It has the same copy link function built in. It also should contain item ID.
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