Word plugin not appearing

Hello, the Word plugin just does not appear in my taskbar in Word.
I tried reinstalling Zotero, I checked that the Zotero.dotm file is present in the STARTUP folder. I tried reenabling the plugin.

Do you know how else I can fix this?

P.S. I cannot locate the Cite tab on my zotero and therefore have not tried the fix involving this tab.
  • I cannot locate the Cite tab on my zotero

    See Zotero Toolbar Doesn't Appear and the platform-specific steps linked from there, and if you're still having trouble, let us know exactly what you tried, in your own words, and what happened at each step.
  • I consulted my department's IT people and they could not make the icon appear, so I am seeking further help here:)
    I followed the link for troubleshooting and performed the following:

    I have a dell PC that belongs to my company.
    Go to File → Options → Add-ins and look for Zotero.dotm in the list: it was under active applications.

    Go to File → Options → Trust Center and click “Trust Center Settings…” in the right-hand pane.
    Under “Add-ins”, make sure that “Require Application Add-ins to be signed by Trusted Publisher” and “Disable all Application Add-ins” are unchecked.
    Restart Word. All was as it should, so I just left it that way.

    If the Zotero tab is still not present, go back into the Trust Center Settings, open the “Macro Settings” pane, and selected “Disable all macros with notification” (which was already selected). Restart Word and see if you get a notification asking for macro permissions. Click “Enable Content”. I did not get the message.

    Mannually installed the .dotm file into the STARTUP directory. But the .dotm file was already present there, so did not help much.

    Cite -> installed the add in again

    Tried to enable/disable the plugins in the zotero tab (under preferences -> add-ons)

    Nothing worked..
  • edited March 6, 2024
    Go to File → Options → Add-ins and look for Zotero.dotm in the list: it was under active applications.
    If you select “Word Add-ins” in the Manage drop-down at the bottom of that dialog and click “Go…”, Zotero.dotm checked?

    If so, your IT department is very likely just blocking the add-in in some way, since it’s clearly installed correctly in Word.
  • I have also been struggling with getting the Word plugin to appear.

    Part of the problem is that the digital certificate used to sign the macro (Corporation for Digital Scholarship) expired on 1/5/2024.

    Are there plans to release a new version with an updated certificate? I have been looking for version 6.0.35 but I don't see a Windows download for it.
  • @jt1209: The expiration shouldn't matter — the signature is timestamped, so it should continue working even after the expiration. When people have thought this was the problem recently, it has turned out to just be an IT block as we said.

    But we've just pushed 6.0.36 for Windows that includes an updated Zotero.dotm signature. I wouldn't expect that to do anything other than avoid some confusion, but you can certainly try it.
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