Not recognizing citations?

I am using Word 2008, mac.

I've written a paper, riddled with zotero citations, but now I can't edit my citations in the document. When I try, I get a "You must first insert a citation"-message.

  • edited February 18, 2010
    Is your cursor in a citation when you select edit citation?

    If so, could you have pressed the 'remove codes' button on the Zotero controls in Word? This couldn't happen without a warning message, but if you have pressed this you cannot alter them through Zotero - they are just ordinary text.

    If you are not sure, press option+F9 and see if computer code replaces your citations? If you can see code you should still have Zotero citations and you should be able to edit them. If not, you now only have plain text.
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