Harvard in-text citation formatting
The journal Religious Studies says that it requires Harvard style for citations, specifically in-text citations containing parentheses within parentheses:
"Citations of works in the text and in the notes should follow the Harvard system, as follows:
(Swinburne (1995), 106). Where more than one publication by an author is cited from the
same year of publication they should be cited as: (Hick (1995a), 120)."
Source: cambridge.org/core/journals/religious-studies/information/author-instructions/preparing-your-materials links to cambridge.org/core/services/aop-file-manager/file/63e3c8c4934e2008c50db56f/Religious-Studies-Style-Sheet.pdf
However, I cannot get Zotero to make any of its Harvard styles generate in-text citations that have parentheses within parentheses.
Am I doing something wrong?
Is Religious Studies referring to an outdated version of Harvard styles?
Any input is very welcome!
"Citations of works in the text and in the notes should follow the Harvard system, as follows:
(Swinburne (1995), 106). Where more than one publication by an author is cited from the
same year of publication they should be cited as: (Hick (1995a), 120)."
Source: cambridge.org/core/journals/religious-studies/information/author-instructions/preparing-your-materials links to cambridge.org/core/services/aop-file-manager/file/63e3c8c4934e2008c50db56f/Religious-Studies-Style-Sheet.pdf
However, I cannot get Zotero to make any of its Harvard styles generate in-text citations that have parentheses within parentheses.
Am I doing something wrong?
Is Religious Studies referring to an outdated version of Harvard styles?
Any input is very welcome!
adamsmithYes the style described is very, very unusual. You'd have to request it https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/blob/master/REQUESTING.md#requesting-csl-styles
bwiernikNote that “Harvard” doesn’t refer to single style, but just generally to using in-text citations with author and year. There are many 1000s of variations of “Harvard” styles, and the format Religious Studies is describing is extremely unusual.