Zotero Subscription

edited March 5, 2024

What happens if we do not pay the Zotero subscription? What if we can not pay it on time? Can we pay for it later instead? If so how late? I know we do not lose files which is good. But do we still get to access Zotero normally online as well as the files we already uploaded to it? Is there anything that could happen by not restoring the subscription?
  • You will eventually lose access to the files >300MB online, yes (as you know, they'll remain available locally), and new files will stop syncing to the servers immediately. You'll still be able to access everything else online. I don't think Zotero specifices an exact timeline for when they delete files online after syncing lapses -- the official grace period is 30 days, but they may keep them online for longer (but don't rely on that).
    Otherwise nothing will go wrong, but the lack of file sync will be annoying if you're used to working on multiple devices.
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