Help with batch editing

edited March 5, 2024
Hi all,

I have to update the “publisher” field of a ton of (item type) Document entries. I also need to implement the changes (see below) for the notes attached to these entries. The prospect of manually editing so many fills me with dread, but I am too inept to attempt batch editing on my own. I am hoping someone here can help me. Or @zotero @adamsmith, perhaps you could recommend someone whom I could hire to write the code and tell me what to do with it?

Thanks in advance.


Item type: Document

Old publisher field: FamilySearch (database with images)
New publisher field: FamilySearch (d.b.i.)

Old publisher field: Ancestry (database with images)
New publisher field: Ancestry (d.b.i.)

Old publisher field: Archion (database with images)
New publisher field: Archion (d.b.i.)
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