[Z7 bug] Deleting annotation when attempting to clear search term

edited March 2, 2024
In Z7, I've noticed on numerous occasions that some of my highlights annotations have been unintentionally deleted. I'll be navigating and skimming through a PDF using two methods in combination: I'll click on previous annotations/highlights I've made in the left sidebar to jump to that particular page, and I'll enter key search terms into the "Find in document…" dialog. There's a specific sequence that results in the unintentional deletion of annotations when the user expects to be clearing the contents of the search box.

1. Click on highlight/annotation in sidebar
2. Move focus to search box
3. Press delete/backspace key

The expected behavior would be that the left annotation sidebar looses focus when focus switches to the search box. Instead, the focus seems to stay in both the left sidebar and the search box simultaneously. When the user tries to clear the search box by pressing delete/backspace, they end up accidentally deleting the highlight/annotation, when they merely intended to clear the search term.

My preferred remedy, in addition to fixing this bug, would be to allow the undo/redo commands to restore deleted highlights/annotations.

Debug log ID: D440129221
  • I can reproduce this using version 7.0.0-beta.65+b047f3d90 (64-bit).
  • There is a similar behavior when the sidebar is closed.

    1. Left-click on an annotation (but don't dismiss it via Esc or clicking elsewhere).
    2. Hit Ctrl+f.
    3. Hit Backspace. Notice that the annotation has been deleted.
  • It'll be fixed in the next update — thanks for reporting.
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