Zotero 7 Beta and Android: Sort orders are different

edited February 25, 2024
There seems to be different sort orders in Zotero 7 Beta and Android app. It renders different sortings for the same settings: Title, Ascending. If I can learn what sorting algorithm or schema used, that would help.
You can see the difference, on desktop title starting with "1.1 some title" is at the top but on android it comes after all "1.1xxx some title" are exhausted for some reason. (note the space between 1.1 and title, 1.1xxx has no space after 1.1, so it sorts space at the top in one case, at the bottom in the other)

Here are screenshots:
Desktop Zotero 7: https://s3.amazonaws.com/zotero.org/images/forums/u9094695/69swjdd75dkfqck5tc3c.png
Zotero Beta for Android: https://s3.amazonaws.com/zotero.org/images/forums/u9094695/fuknyluwe2hckr0sonas.jpg
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