Double colon in titles on import from crossref
Can anyone confirm that two colons appear in the title after import from crossref using (using the wand tool)? here: is the link:
The content at the publisher does not have two colons in it, so I am wondering if Zotero is adding the second colon because it is concatenating two fields it receives from the DOI query payload.
Can anyone confirm that two colons appear in the title after import from crossref using (using the wand tool)? here: is the link:
The content at the publisher does not have two colons in it, so I am wondering if Zotero is adding the second colon because it is concatenating two fields it receives from the DOI query payload.
AbeJellinekThanks, fixed. Your Zotero translators should auto-update within 24 hours, or you can update manually by clicking "Update now" in the Advanced pane of the Zotero preferences.