DOI not displaying in NLM style when pulled in from PubMed

It appears that the DOI should display when it is available, according to the NLM style guide:

However, although the DOI is pulled in with the citation from PubMed, the DOI does not display in the bibliography. An example would be:

Any insight would be appreciated.

  • hmmm, I guess so. Rules such as: "t is important to cite the version you saw. If you viewed an article on the Internet, do not cite it as if it were a print one." are only semi-helpful.

    It would be helpful to get some insight about how people deal with that in reality. I assume hardly anyone actually still gets the journal in its print form - so most people will be looking at the internet version instead (although in many cases printed out, often in the same format as the print journal). Does that mean that the whole bibliography is cluttered with [internet]?
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