Suggestion : For multiple documents add via Zotero extension, add them into a new sub-collection

I use Zotero a lot to import multiple documents from a single publication. But sometimes, I wished they didn't come as bulk in the destination file.

I wish there was a way to import multiple documents in a new sub-collection, maybe named after the publication?

If the discussion about linking book chapters to book notice ( goes through, maybe even create a book for the publication (importing the publication DOI/metadata) and link the imported chapters to it, as sub-documents?


    Example : I'm currently looking at this publication of Revue des Droits de l'Homme (Human Rights Journal). The issue is detected by Zotero as a multi-chapter content.

    Suggestion 1 : upon importing chapters in Zotero, instead of forcing them into the destination file, allow to "Import in a new sub-collection", located itself in the destination file.

    Suggestion 2 : chapters should be linkable to their book, be displayed under them as sub-documents, then the main import would be the journal issue, with the selected chapters under it, as linked chapters.
  • edited February 20, 2024
    Zotero has had the ability to easily create/link books and book sections for some time now:

    The option for chapters to actually appear in the main pane under their parent book rather than as separate items has been requested quite often before. It goes to the need for 'composite' items in general - also for a published series of papers on the same subject by the same authors, or for theses and their published papers, or conference papers followed by journal papers, or for a thematic journal issue, etc. 'Related' alone doesn't really cover those well.

  • I was indeed talking about linked/composite items, yes!
  • upon importing chapters in Zotero, instead of forcing them into the destination file, allow to "Import in a new sub-collection", located itself in the destination file
    The ability to create a new target collection from the save popup is planned.
  • Amazing, thanks a lot @dstillman ! Hope to see the composing items arriving aswell, some time in the future.
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