Attempting to use Zotero Connector in Google Docs instead opens the new link menu
I'm using macOS 14.3.1. When I click on any of the options in the Zotero tab of Google Docs, the link menu, which can also be accessed by command-K, appears. This issue persists after restarting my Mac, enabling and disabling the Zotero Connector, and changing my Zotero keyboard shortcut.
dstillmanedited February 20, 2024Update to Zotero 6.0.31, and then reload Google Docs.
augustusbookerThank you. Shortly after I sent out my post a few hours ago I realized that the issue had already been addressed, and I apologize for making a duplicate post. I have updated Zotero and can now access the Zotero connector and insert citations, but I am struggling with footnotes: I have my citation style set to Chicago full-note and Zotero now inserts footnotes, but often fails to add a link, so the note at the end of the page is blank. This issue doesn't always occur, but it seems to affect most of my citations, so I unlinked my essay from Zotero and am now manually adding my citations. I noticed this issue several hours ago and it remains an issue on other documents than the one I was working on when I first posted. Another recent post reports difficulties with citations in general, so this might not be limited to footnotes.