Upgrade to Zotero 7


I received messages asking if I wanted to upgrade which I do not want to do. I am currently completing my dissertation study and want to leave all as is. Today I received the message about reinstalling 6. What do I need to do if I prefer to leave all as is? If I do nothing, what happens?

Many thanks!

  • You'd have to say what messages exactly you received (don't paraphrase) -- neither of these sound familiar. The current stable Zotero version is Zotero 6.0.30 and you shouldn't have received a Zotero 7 update prompt while using it. Under Help--> About, what Zotero version is listed?
  • Sounds like the warning from the Zotero 6 beta. @GinaDi, if you don’t want to be running beta software, you should reinstall Zotero from the download page. Your data won’t be affected.
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