Please give users of the bate version the option to update, not force an update.

Please allow customers with versions prior to Bate 53 the ability to opt out of updates, particularly in light of the considerable changes in Bate 55. It would be harsh to force an update on the Bate version after so many changes!
  • With such a significant alteration in the Bate 55 version, it could be called Zotero 8 instead of zotero 7.
  • Is there any way to break the link to the updated data, please?
  • Sorry, you just can't be on a beta release and complain about updates, as we've told you previously. If you want a stable version, sync and downgrade to 6.0.30.
    Updates between actual major version (rather than just big changes in the beta) are virtually always prompted, not forced.
  • In actuality, it is compelled to update; even if I set all update options to false, the software would still update automatically. I used to delete the update version every day and then install the Bate 53 version, which would last at least a day before being updated. Recently, a reboot of the software automatically updates it to the most recent version, making the measure of forced updating much more visible.

    The approach of removing the most recent version and reinstalling the previous one is no longer effective.
  • That has nothing to do with what I said. You can downgrade to the stable version (6.0.30), which currently won't update at all and in the future (almost certainly) will prompt the update to 7 stable when it's available.
    Again, you can't be on the beta channel and complain about instability based on updates. Please stop posting about this. This is your second thread, you won't get a different answers and are only wasting your (and everyone else's) time.
This discussion has been closed.