Zotero 7 beta Word citation error: "unexpected error (35010)"

I'm mostly enjoying the new Zotero 7, including the new design. Thanks a lot for the work on it.

I've encountered a few glitches with Zotero 7 citations in Word. The worst of them is today. I can't insert citations.

I get the following error:


i.e. Microsoft VBA, "Unexpected error (35010)."

I'm running Word 365 app on a Windows 11 PC.
Zotero 7.0.0-beta.58+2665090aa
  • edited February 16, 2024
    I don't think we've ever seen that before, and it wouldn't be related to Zotero 7. That's some problem in Word itself, not from Zotero.

    Do you get that in all documents, or just an existing one?

    Does it happen after restarting your computer?
  • I re-installed the Zotero add-in and restarted Word + Zotero. The problem has gone. Apologies for the trigger-happy forum post. (I'd delete the post if I could!)
  • No problem at all. Helpful to leave this up for others who might encounter this error.
  • FWIW, I have gotten this exact message a couple of times since the new layout Zotero 7 beta. When it happens, it happens in every open Word doc on triggering any Zotero action, but it always goes away when I restart Word and Zotero. It doesn't happen reliably, but it pretty clearly started happening concurrently with the new Zotero layout.
    If you have anything in particular you want me to look out for/report if this re-occurs, obviously happy to.
  • This was almost certainly just some concurrent breakage in Word. The redesign didn't touch anything related to word processor integration, and the selected/open-items functionality was purely in the citation dialog. This just seems like some Word bug.
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