won't purge orphaned tags

I've just started using Zotero. The first time I imported my Endnotes bibliography, my tags were set improperly, and I ended up with long tags that were actually lists of tags separated by commas. I figured out how to fix it through this site (thank you!), deleted the improperly exported library, started over, and imported everything just fine. I'm really, really liking the program and have been actively adding to it over the past week.

My problem is that all of those old, long, mistake tags from my first failed import, which are now orphaned and have no item attached to them, won't purge. They show up as greyed out in the tag cloud, and they show up as auto-complete options when I'm adding tags to an item. I can delete them if i select and delete one by one, but there are hundreds of them. Shouldn't orphaned tags automatically purge when I restart the program or restart the computer? I've searched around in support but haven't found an answer -- I apologize if I missed it somewhere.

I'm running Zotera 2.0rc5 on Firefox 3.5.7 on Windows Vista.
  • Shouldn't orphaned tags automatically purge when I restart the program or restart the computer?
    Yes, if they're actually orphaned. Did you empty the trash?
  • sigh. no i hadn't. i did, and they're gone now. thanks for your immediate help and your patience with a dumb problem!

    actually, the tone of these help forums is especially pleasant in general... thank you Dan.
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