Move collection between library blocked ?

I intended to move some complete collections between library.
It worked at the start, by dragging and dropping.
But then it blocked silently.

I then realized it was a copy of the item, and the blocking was probably linked to the sync with : all attached pdf were duplicated, and my storage quickly reached 320MB (*above the limit of the free plan*).
I did some tests and purged my storage and removed the syncing of files.

But now the purging doesn't seem to work anymore, and I am stuck at 300MB and still unable to move anything. Any hint before I close my account and start on a new one ?

Thanks for the help,
  • edited February 15, 2024
    No, a problem with dragging wouldn't have anything to do with storage — your storage quota never affects what actions you can perform locally in the app. You're still using 300 MB due to files in the group you own, but that would be totally unrelated.

    Can you provide Steps to Reproduce for the actual problem you're facing, storage aside? To be clear, you can't drag a collection or items to the same library more than once.

    (Do not close your account. That's not a fix for anything.)
  • Thank you!

    The problem: I have a personal bibliography and a group one, I want to share with colleagues. I intended to move entire collections (and sub-collections) from the first to the second.
    It worked for a few, but then it failed (no action, no message).
    I thought that was due to the storage, so I looked there.

    After your remark, I tried again with other collections and it works.
    So it is probably an issue related to one specifically.
    Now I recreated the structure and moved the files, this worked.

    So now I have no idea why it failed first, but at least I have a solution.

    Thanks again for the fast response.
  • It's almost certainly just what I say: you can't drag the same collection more than once. You might have dragged it under another collection and forgotten, renamed it to something else, etc., but it was likely there in some form. Deleting it from the target library would let you drag it again, as would creating a duplicate as you did.
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