[Notes] Why is left click so sh*tty?

edited February 13, 2024
How come that the left click in a Zotero note never works well? Is it because zotero has this weird drag-and-drop feature going on the left side of every line?

And it's not even the mouse clicks. It's also when I use shortcuts:
1. Double left-click to highlight a paragraph I just wrote and then
2. Ctrl+B to bold my text and sometimes it just doesn't work.

Even in comparison to the windows Notepad the writing and selecting of text is a nightmare. Is there a way to improve on that?
  • edited February 13, 2024
    When I'm not ering precisely above the new line with my cursor and I click left, then zotero often just doesn't change the positition of my cursor indictator.
  • Submit a Report ID. Check if this happens in Troubleshooting mode (Help -> Restart in Troubleshooting Mode...).
  • (If not using the Zotero 7 beta, disable any third-party plugins manually.)
  • Indeed there are some issues, but I wouldn't call them "nightmare".

    1) After double clicking a paragraph Cmd-b doesn't work.
    2) Paragraph drag handle can make putting cursor at the beginning of the paragraph a bit more difficult.

    @Luram does disabling plugins improved the situation?
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