[Zotero 7 Beta] Error importing through WebVPN
I am using the university WebVPN through: https://webvpn.xjtu.edu.cn
I am trying to access this paper: http://doi.org/10.1115/1.4033617
After opening the link, I can see the full text in HTML. I can also download the PDF file.
But if I try to import, I get an Error from the Connector in Firefox:
Debug ID from the Connector: D1203351862.
Debug ID from Zotero: D506368726.
If I open the PDF file in the browser and try to import, it is able to get the PDF file to my library.
Debug ID from the Connector: D672114698
Debug ID from Zotero: D1518548634
Importing from the same paper without the WebVPN is working without error. But as I do not have access to the paper without the WebVPN, it just downloads the "Accepted Version" and a Snapshot with the Abstract and References.
Windows 10
Zotero 7.0.0-beta.58+2665090aa (64-bit)
I am trying to access this paper: http://doi.org/10.1115/1.4033617
After opening the link, I can see the full text in HTML. I can also download the PDF file.
But if I try to import, I get an Error from the Connector in Firefox:
It finally download a PDF file with title "Accepted Version" from:Investigation on the Impact of Protrusion Parameter on the Efficiency of Converting Additional Windage Loss for Ingress Alleviation in Rotor–Stator System
Open-Access PDF
An error occurred saving with Silverchair. Attempting to save using Embedded Metadata instead.
Debug ID from the Connector: D1203351862.
Debug ID from Zotero: D506368726.
If I open the PDF file in the browser and try to import, it is able to get the PDF file to my library.
Debug ID from the Connector: D672114698
Debug ID from Zotero: D1518548634
Importing from the same paper without the WebVPN is working without error. But as I do not have access to the paper without the WebVPN, it just downloads the "Accepted Version" and a Snapshot with the Abstract and References.
Windows 10
Zotero 7.0.0-beta.58+2665090aa (64-bit)
(edit: asking because this should work in general and does for me)
No error displayed, but it is just downloading the open access PDF file from:
Debug ID from the Connector: D11800784
Just getting some errors in the debug like: The URL for the first one would be:
Then expanding to:
The WebVPN can be quite slow (need to wait up to 10 or 30 seconds depending on the cases). Is the connector not patient enough or is it completely not working?