Cannot save PDFs with Zotero Connector


Report ID: 1576462792
Debug ID: D1035739067

I've been using Zotero for about 6 months now and only in the last month has my Zotero Connector extension (Firefox is main browser but I reproduced the issue with Chrome) been failing to download the PDF from the abstract/article page. The connector is able to create an item in my library and attach the snapshot, but the PDF does not download. After running the connector, there is a red X next to the PDF line in the extension, and then there is also no attached PDF in the actual Zotero item.

Here is one of the articles I'm trying to save:

Interestingly, the connector did successfully download the PDF from this article I found in a past thread from someone experiencing similar issues:

The error report is here:

[JavaScript Error: "Downloaded PDF was not a PDF"]

[JavaScript Error: "Downloaded PDF was not a PDF"]

[JavaScript Error: "Downloaded PDF was not a PDF"]

[JavaScript Error: "The connection to wss:// has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred."]

[JavaScript Error: "WebSocket connection closed: 1006 "]

version => 6.0.30, platform => Win32, oscpu => Windows NT 10.0; WOW64, locale => en-US, appName => Zotero, appVersion => 6.0.30, extensions => Night for Zotero (0.4.23, extension), Zotero LibreOffice Integration (6.0.4.SA.6.0.30, extension), Zotero Word for Windows Integration (6.0.3.SA.6.0.30, extension), Better BibTex for Zotero (6.7.151, extension)
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