PDF with blank parts after transforming Gdocs to Word

I think this is a Zotero issue but might be Gdocs/Word/Pdf. Feel free to point me somewhere else.

I wrote a paper on Gdocs with Zotero citations, which looks fine (print).
I then used the usual path to download it as a word, which also looks fine (print).
https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/moving_documents_between_word_processors#:~:text=Google Docs to Word&text=In the new document, select,to continue using the document.
I then uploaded it to the submission platform and when producing the pdf for for approval, it puts a blank space on top of text on all pages (print).

Things I've tried:
- Producing the pdf straight from my downloaded word document - same issue
- Downloading from Gdocs as pdf - the pdf looks good but line numbers disappear
- Unlinking citations prior to switching to word - same issue
- Downloading previous drafts that had same workflow - no issue

The last line this is something particular to my document but I cannot begin to figure out what it could be. I looked around Zotero Forum and GDocs/Word places but cannot figure it out. Thank you in advance
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