Style error when using api: Bibliotheca Hertziana

Good morning, as mentioned in the title, the style we submitted, bibliotheca-hertziana-max-planck-institute-for-art-history , is not working properly from the server and we are confused about what could cause the error.
At the moment this is the situation:
- Style preview on zotero citation style library *ok*
- Bibliography creation on the desktop application *ok*
- Bibliography creation on the web library *not working: an error occurred*
- Api format: json, atom, keys *ok*
- Api format:bib *not working: an error occurred*
- Style used on services (Sciflow) *ok*
Raw version both from our github and from the library works fine
We (the developer) emailed the team that added our style to the repo but got not answer back in the past month, so I was wondering if anybody can help figuring out if this is a problem on our code or not.
Thanks for any hint.
  • Sorry about that — updated styles aren't currently being made available via the API. We'll fix that, but this should be working now.
  • Thank you very much! I can confirm it is already working both as api and on the web library!
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