Zotera 7 Beta - slow response and extreme memory usage

Absolutely love the redesign, and all the features added. One thing I've noticed (that apparently no one else has seen..?) is a very slow response rate and extremely high memory usage (~ 3 GB at the moment). One note in particular is that many of the top menu items take over 10 seconds to respond after their selection.

Normally I would attribute this to my atrocious work habits, which involve opening up many pdfs at once, and revisiting them as needed. However, the memory and response time issue has never been as severe pre-redesign as it is now (memory seemed to peak at around 700 MB before, and the response was sufficiently speedy).

Please let me know if I can provide additional information.
  • Can you reproduce this in Troubleshooting Mode (Help → "Restart in Troubleshooting Mode…”)?

    Does this happen with no PDFs open?

    What do you have to do between Zotero starting up with no tabs and this occurring to get it to occur?
  • Hi, I wanted to add to this discussion since no one has replied. I am trying zotero 7 because I would really benefit from the PDF annotation feature, but It's just not as responsive as usual. I can easily feel the difference when I scroll around in my library or when I scroll through an open PDF, it scrolls slowly. This is coming from someone with a good PC and not that big of a zotero library (and again re-stating that zotero 6 used to work perfectly fine for me).

    Here's the strange thing: It works flawlessly in troubleshooting mode, but I don't have any extensions/addons installed.. So how come?
    I can provide more details as necessary.
  • Any updates on this too? Zotero 7 is also sluggish for me, and it worked flawlessly for Zotero 6.

    I moved from Zotero 6 32-bit to the new Zotero 7 64-bit. My computer has good specs as well
  • @Fontanapink: Same questions. Zotero 7 should generally be much faster than Zotero 6.
  • Yes. When I open Zotero 7 in troubleshooting mode it is faster. Does this mean the issues lie on the plugins?

    It is still slow to open a new pdf, but once it is open, the scrolling speed and smoothness is better in troubleshooting mode
  • When I open Zotero 7 in troubleshooting mode it is faster. Does this mean the issues lie on the plugins?
    Yes, most likely. (And Troubleshooting Mode actually reduces PDF performance, so a better test would be disabling all plugins manually and restarting Zotero.)
  • @dstillman I don't have any plug-ins installed.. yet zotero 7 runs much smoother in troubleshooting mode. I am yet to find out how to fix this
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