Separate .md file note/annotation?

I think this is a stupid question because I know it is much discussed but I just cannot figure it out: seriously, is there a way to easily export all the highlights from a pdf in individual files in v7 yet? I just want all my highlights in separate files so I can port them all into Obsidian. There are a few options to export notes, but all of them send the annotations all together in one long file, which is not that helpful and tedious to clip apart when you have lots of annotations. It seems like a ton of people want this functionality, surely someone's done it and I've just somehow missed it.
  • bonus points if you can customize the template/ add links etc.
  • I saw some workflow with cards on Obsidian forum doing that stuff. Also there are an options for other note-taking apps. Look for "logseq Zettelkasten" and "Tana Zettelkasten" in youtube. In Zotero, you can use Zotcard plugin ( You can also render annotations as blocquotes (aka callouts) in Obsidian so that every quote should have id, and the Obsidian Dataview plugin might be used to parse and filter those quotes.
    As for me, the absence of the handful annotation review workflow turned me to migrate from Mendeley to Zotero+Obsidian (but I am not pleasured yet with my note system as it is not atomic in the "literature notes" stage, i.e. importing all the annotations to the single md note file). One may suggest better solution.
  • edited February 14, 2024
    Check out Zotero Better Notes plugin's sync feature for notes. In this workflow, you need to add notes from annotations and export your note file to a markdown file inside your vault (it might be elsewhere but this is easier). I think there is an option for standalone export but I haven't tried that. These annotations would have links back to their respective pages in Zotero.
    This plugin also has templating and two-way auto-sync options.
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