unable to save to zotero from scopus

I was able to save 10 of 31 articles to Zotero from Scopus today. I was able to save Pubmed and Cinahl. Why do I keep getting an error message when I try saving the rest of my Scopus articles? I even logged out of the library and then went back in. Thanks for your help!
  • You might just be getting blocked by Scopus — that's fairly common when trying to save pages of results at once.

    Can you provide a Debug ID from the Zotero Connector for reloading the page and triggering this error?
  • My professor showed me a work around and taught me how to export my files from my library to Zotero from my downloads. I will do this in the meantime. Thank you for your help.
  • OK, but if you want us to fix whatever problem you're seeing, we'd need to see a Debug ID.
  • Yes, please fix this issue. The Debug ID is D797842577
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