Changeset 5744

I just made a minor change to the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute style so that it will work properly with MS Word 2007, which formats multiple em-dashes as a broken line rather than a solid line. The updated style uses en-dashes, but it is not showing in the style repository though it is showing here

I've used xml code for en-dashes but this should be OK, shouldn't it? It certainly validates and works with the MS Word plug in without any problem. Nothing else has been changed, so not sure what's gone wrong.

  • The updated style uses en-dashes, but it is not showing in the style repository though it is showing here
    Repository updates currently have to be applied manually after commit, which can take anywhere from 10 seconds to a number of hours. (They used to apply automatically, but that's broken and we haven't gotten around to fixing it.)
  • it just sometimes takes a while for changes to show up in the repository. I've never seen longer than 6hs - but I'd say wait a day before you suspect something isn't working.
    In any case, I believe it's up now.
  • Thank you for letting me know. As I'm not very familiar with this type of thing, I always assume that I've done something wrong - usually with good reason!
  • sure - your contribution is much appreciated. And we all were beginners at some point - in my case not very long ago.
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