Zotero Connector isn't taking snapshots of YouTube links

This discussion was created from comments split from: Available for beta testing: Zotero, redesigned.
  • Noticed the Connector for Zotero 7 isn't taking snapshots of youtube links.

    Perhaps it's by design, but I'd like much to have at least a screenshot to know more what it's about. Would it be feasible to enhance the submenu: Add Attachment > From Clipboard, like in the forums, instead of going through the hassle of creating a temp File and attaching it manually?

  • (Please start new threads for new issues — the thread you posted to isn't remotely related to your question. I've moved this to a new thread.)

    A snapshot of a YouTube page doesn't make sense — YouTube is for videos, and snapshots are static HTML pages.
  • [...] the thread you posted to isn't remotely related to your question.

    My apologies for unwittingly polluting the main Zotero7 beta thread. It seemed a bit chitchat and thought it would still be appropriate.

    A snapshot of a YouTube page doesn't make sense — YouTube is for videos, and snapshots are static HTML pages.

    Okay, you're right, but practically said videos still reside in an HTML page that's able to provide extra context (e.g. comments, related videos, etc). At least, having the ability to store still images of videos would aid recalling, and one could also snapshot something memorable.
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