Zotero 7 abstract field text edits not retained unless tab or 'enter' [added movie link]

edited February 8, 2024
Am I remembering wrong, perhaps because of the UI difference, I don't recall needing to enter or tab when leaving the abstract field for the text to remain. If I don't tab away, my abstract edits are lost.
  • I'm not seeing that. Can you provide exact steps to reproduce?
  • edited February 8, 2024
    For example:
    I import a record from PubMed. It doesn't have an abstract (or has an incomplete abstract)

    [I visit the publisher site to view the article there]

    I edit the imported Zotero record by adding text from the publisher's site to the abstract.

    If I click to view another Zotero record without first tabbing away from the edited abstract field and then later return to the record I edited, the changes I made to the abstract are not retained.

    Perhaps, I could make a video of these actions if I'm not clear.

    Am I wrong that in past versions of Zotero that I could go to another Zotero record and retain the contents of a field first without hitting the tab or enter field key? I can re-learn automatic muscle movements and always remember to tab; but if this is a bug I request that it be squashed.


    edit: For the past year or so, Springer-Nature metadata sent to PubMed contains only the introduction or background section of the abstract (and omitting the methods, results, and conclusion sections). I add those missing parts of the abstract. (Even when I use the DOI to visit the journal website and download the article from there, only the first abstract section is provided.)

    Often, a PubMed record will have as its title: "Correction: an article title " and the abstract is only "This corrects DOI listing a DOI" and no statement of the kind of correction needed. Is it to a change in the results, an author's name, or merely an author's affiliation?

    In these and other instances I want more information in the abstract.
  • Here is a movie of the disappearing abstract text problem. Standard view or stacked view. 7.0.0-beta.58+2665090aa

    I copy text to the abstract field, immediately click to open/edit a different record, click back to the record in which I pasted the text to the abstract field, and the text is missing.

    I must tab to another field in the record for the abstract not to be lost. It appears that with other fields, once I edit the field I do not need to tab to another field before clicking to open another record.

    If this loss-if-not-tab is necessary for some reason, I can relearn my muscle memory to meet the programming need.

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