Item selection color in Zotero 7 Beta Redesign

edited February 2, 2024
I have some feedback critiques on the coloring used for item selection:

The icons (item type, and attachment type like PDF or snapshot) are hard to interpret when an item is selected: the "select color" is blue, which is fine, but the icon colors are removed and the style is switched to outline--removing the colors reduces the recognition, and it's maybe possible the outline is also detracting.
This is exacerbated when scanning a library or collection to compare these attributes (item type and attachment type), since the visual indicator is so drastically different from the selected and unselected items.

For example:
It's not clear that the top selected item does not have a PDF, or that the bottom selected item is a pre-print, unless you look extra hard and consciously think about the white outlines.

Interestingly, if I click on the My Library tab, the selection color becomes gray and moves to the background, leaving the icon colors, making it much easier to interpret:

I'm using Windows 7.0.0-beta.56+9edfcba9a
(I'll also note that the beta is shaping up really nicely, thanks!)
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