How to remove period from "et al."

I am creating a style. The citation does not require a period in "et al."
Check example
Smith FN et al (Year) Title. Publication
Any help from anyone?
  • <terms>
    <locale xml:lang="en">
    <term name="et-al">et al</term>

    right after
  • Thanks, but I still can not fix it.
    Am I going to make -if- loops within the -options- brackets? Here is a complete example
    One author:
    (Smith J 1999)
    Smith J (1999) Future of health insurance. N Engl J Med 965:325–329

    Two authors:
    (Smith and Jones 1999)
    Smith J, Jones MJ (1999) Future of health insurance. N Engl J Med 965:325–329

    Three or more authors:
    (Smith et al. 1999)
    Smith J, Jones MJ, Houghton L et al (1999) Future of health insurance. N Engl J Med 965:325–329

    Note that for three or more authors, there is period in the citation.
  • ah ok - I don't think that's possible - you can only change et al globally - no different settings for citation and bibliography are possible. I don't think you test for et-al with an "if" either, so there really is no way to do this. I believe there will be in CSL 1.0, though
  • Ok, thank you very much.
    These are other messages I get when committing. What could be the possible cause?
    C:\Documents and Settings\Larry.OWN-8EC7B2505AE\Desktop\Working Folder\hydrogeology-journal.csl
    C:\Documents and Settings\Larry.OWN-8EC7B2505AE\Desktop\Working Folder\hydrogeology-journal.csl
    Commit failed (details follow):
    Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 1) with output:
    Please use Unix newlines for CSL files.
  • it's the wrong type of newlines - go here for a switching tool. I believe jedit can do that for you, too.
  • Thanks. Will look at it.
  • Still having problem with adding a new file. I downloaded the "flip" and run but still the error message shows:

    Commit failed (details follow):
    Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 1) with output:
    Please use Unix newlines for CSL files.

    But when I tried modifying a style in the repository, there was no problem with committing. What might have gone wrong? Any help?
  • so just to make sure, you installed flip and then ran

    flip -u C:\Documents and Settings\Larry.OWN-8EC7B2505AE\Desktop\Working Folder\hydrogeology-journal.csl

    then you replace the file that you already have in the SVN - csl folder with the "flipped" file and retry commit. If that doesn't work I don't know
  • Hello Adamsmith thanks for your efforts. I have done all that: flipped then replaced it in the working copy and committed, but still the same error messages. Please again, let me give you the style (hydrogeology journal) for you to check and when Ok then upload.
  • it's up - sorry I can't tell you what the problem was - worked smoothly for me.
  • Great and thanks.
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