I try to create a Bibliography in Word but it adds ALL references not only the ones i use in my diss


i need your help :)

I try to create a Bibliography in Word but it adds ALL references of my entire library not only the ones I use in my diss.

I wrote in word, 160 pages so far. I added zotero refences in my texts as usual. So they are all tagged.

When I want to add a Bibliography, Zoterto opens a window and wants me to select the sources. I selected all since i believe Zotero will only add the sources I also used in my dissertation. Otherwise I would not need the software :)

Zotero adds 60 pages of references at the end of my documented. I checked some, and it appears that it also included references I never used/added in my written text.

what can i do? Thanks for your help:)
  • You got an Edit Bibliography dialog when you pressed the Add/Edit Bibliography button. I.e. you had already inserted the bibliography in your document. You should press the button again, and press Revert All in the bottom left of that dialog, then press OK. Then, only the items you have cited in your document will appear in your bibliography. If you do not like where you have inserted the bibliography in your document, you can cut it and paste somewhere else, or delete it, then press the Add/Edit Bibliography button with the text cursor placed in the desired position.
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