Problems with the Title Field in Newspaper Article Citation

Hello Masters,

I'm currently trying to write my thesis and there's this citation of a newspaper that I need to make. I'm no expert but I googled how APA 7th citation should look like and it goes something like:


However, the fields that Zotero provides don't include the article's title, only "short title" and whenever I try to make the bibliography, it appears like:

González, A. (2020, November 22). El Mercurio.

But It wont include the title...which is

"Productividad de la construcción en Chile es la segunda más baja entre países OCDE y cerrar estas brechas aportaría al sector US$ 13 mil millones"

I would appreciate very much some help with this. Before I was even trying to use "Cement and Concrete Research" citation style but it abbreviated the newspaper name to "El Mercur." which was even worse... Please help this poor soul, Thank you so much in advance

  • lmao it might be because im using Zotero 7 beta ... how can I solve this..?
  • I'm not quite sure I understand -- the APA 7 style should show the title of a newspaper article when it's in Zotero -- are you saying you're not seeing it in APA style (but are seeing it in other styles) or are you saying you can't add it in Zotero? (Like all titles, in in bold at the top in the beta)
  • Yes, in short, in version 7 (beta) of the Zotero app, the "title" field box to fill in the title of the article did not appear (newspaper article, and also for reports). However, in version 6 (release version) it does appear without problem. I already downgraded and that fixed my problem. There's a chance that im dumb and i didn't see the title field box in the beta version lol.
  • In the new interface in the beta, the title is the top field, in bold
  • Oh....the rumors are true, i completely missed it, thank you masters! This one is officially solved
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