[zotero 7 bug] advanced search doesn't open
reproducing steps
1-choose an item from library
2-click on +, at the right sidebar to add related item
3-a popup window will open
4-on that window click on "advanced search"
5-nothing happens, no advanced search window opens
7.0.0-beta.56+9edfcba9a (64-bit)
OS linux, 6.6.13-200
reproducing steps
1-choose an item from library
2-click on +, at the right sidebar to add related item
3-a popup window will open
4-on that window click on "advanced search"
5-nothing happens, no advanced search window opens

7.0.0-beta.56+9edfcba9a (64-bit)
OS linux, 6.6.13-200
I'm just reporting to help you. at some point i have an intention to be a power user of Z. :)