[zotero 7 bug] advanced search doesn't open


reproducing steps

1-choose an item from library
2-click on +, at the right sidebar to add related item
3-a popup window will open
4-on that window click on "advanced search"
5-nothing happens, no advanced search window opens

7.0.0-beta.56+9edfcba9a (64-bit)
OS linux, 6.6.13-200

  • I'd think the bug is that the option is available, not that it doesn't open yet another (potentially quite confusing) window. Would you actually need the option or were you just curious?
  • I can figure out some other workflow for my intention to use it, not a big deal.

    I'm just reporting to help you. at some point i have an intention to be a power user of Z. :)
  • Yes, it's not supposed to be there in secondary windows and has already been removed for the next beta.
  • Removed in beta 57
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