Zotero 7 beta.55 | The new interface layout is neither aesthetically pleasing nor efficient.

I would like to provide some feedback and suggestions regarding the recent update to the interface layout, as I've noticed certain changes that have impacted my user experience:

1. Relocation of Information and Attachments:
In the new interface layout, key elements like information and attachments have been moved to the right side. As I primarily use a laptop, the screen space is limited, and this adjustment makes accessing these elements less convenient.

2. Attachment Display Issue:
In the central part of the interface, it is now challenging to immediately discern whether an attachment is a link or a file, as this information has been shifted to the right side. This change reduces the intuitiveness and ease of use of the interface.

3. In terms of aesthetics,:
I find the new interface less visually appealing than the original one. Additionally, it has lost some convenient features that were previously available
  • key elements like information and attachments have been moved to the right side
    it is now challenging to immediately discern whether an attachment is a link or a file, as this information has been shifted to the right side
    I don't know you mean by either of these things — they don't sound like anything we did.

    Can you take some screenshots, upload them somewhere (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.), and provide a link here?
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