Zotero 7 Beta redesigned: What is the behaviour of a pinned section?

After reading other threads I'm not sure if my Zotero 7 panes behave correctly. When I pin a section, say Tags, what is that supposed to do?

As soon as I pin Tags it jumps to the top, but when I browse other items I see the usual order of panes; whether there are 0 or more tags makes no difference either. (W10 and temporary zip version)

  • Pinning scrolls the section to the top and keeps it there as you move between items. Nothing to do with the order. You can still scroll up to see the other sections.

    It's a replacement in the new item pane for the previous ability to click on a tab and have that tab stay focused as you move to other items.

    (And if you're not seeing it stay at the top when you switch items, I'd guess that you're just single-clicking. You pin by double-click or right-click → Pin Section.)
  • edited January 27, 2024
    Not sure if I understand or do it correctly ...
    When I have open section "All notes" and I right click on it, it seems to hide it and not "pin" icon appear on the section icon
    When I pin on other section, like abstract, the "pin icon" appears, but it doesnt seem to change the behaviour for me (the section doesn't stay focused when I click to other sections)

    I am on MacOS Sonoma and 7.0.0-beta.55+9151fb355
  • edited January 27, 2024
    @danielborek: The Item Notes and All Notes sections in the reader aren't meant to be pinnable — that's just a bug. (This isn't "right-clicking", though — it's right-clicking and selecting "Pin Section", or double-clicking on the sidenav button.)

    Pinning should work for the other sections, though. If it's not working for you, can you make a screen recording, upload it somewhere (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.), and provide a link here in a new thread?
  • @dstillman I've finally been able to do a screen recording of the pinning behaviour I get on my Zotero 7 beta 56 (zip file) on W10.

    (Sorry for the laggy recording, my graphics card is terrible)
  • OK, yes, sorry, this can happen to sections below Attachments due to the attachment preview, which was added late in the development process. If you collapse the Attachments section or hide the attachment preview, you'll see the correct behavior. We'll have a fix for this in an upcoming build.
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