Web page citation with Elsevier

Hi everybody,
I would like to use Elsevier citation style. My problem concern the citations of web pages. With this style, when I insert a biblio in word, the date is displayed but not the URL. I would like to display the URL and not the date. Have you any idea on the way to proceed ?
  • hey - do you have a guideline for the style or an example of how exactly the URL should look? What about DOIs? Are they ever cited?
  • Hi,
    This is just for the type of document = web page.
    I would like something very simple such : Title, URL (as it is written in the info tab).
    For all other document I would like to keep the "Elsevier, with titles" citation style. I don't know if I can modify it.

    Concerning the DOI with this style, they don't seems to be cited (that's ok for me).

  • sorry - I was gone for a while - I'm still not sure I understand. Is this for an actual style as used in a journal, or for personal use?
    I would really like some type of formal guide to go by.
  • Hi,
    It is for a personnal use (for my thesis) but I would like to use the style of the journal "Elsevier, with title" already defined in Zotero. I would like to cite some web pages. My problem is when I generate a bibliography with this reference, it display the date but not the URL. Can I modify the "Elsevier, with title" style to correct that ?
    The other possibility, I guess, may be to create my own style similar to "Elsevier", but I don't really know how to proceed.
    Thanks for your help
  • Hi,
    Anybody can help me ? Maybe I'm not clear, do you need additional information ?
    Thanks for your help
  • I'm incredibly busy so I don't have time to do this for you, but if you want to explore yourself you should try working with
    <text variable="URL"/>
    see here to get started
  • any luck so far? I might have time soon.
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