WebDav for Zotero in 2024

Hello everyone,

I am looking for a reliable WebDAV service to sync my Zotero attachments. I have read a forum post from last year that said most of the free WebDAV services listed on the Zotero website were no longer working, except for Koofr. However, Koofr only offers 2 GB of free space, which is not enough for my needs. Do you have any suggestions for other WebDAV services that work well with Zotero?

Thank you in advance.

  • I have also been trying to set up webdav with different services, since I left my university, but nothing works. Help would be appreciated!
  • Koofr is the only one from that list that still works. Not sure where you got the 2GB number — you get 10GB of free storage on Koofr.
  • You can also, depending on your technical ability, host webdav on your own computer or server. Which gives you storage according to what you already have available on your computer or server for free. But it does require more work. On Linux this can be achieved with different docker images, but I'm sure a simple webdav server can be installed on Windows, too. Not for everyone, but just letting you know the possibilities for free Zotero hosting.
  • edited 29 days ago
    Maybe you can try this one. https://www.jianguoyun.com/. Or you can use alist as a local forwarding layer to mount onedrive as a webdave server.
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