Bulk upload of references via Magic Wand + DOIs
I need to read about 50k references into Zotero.
Given that I need to get those references from Scopus, there is no way for me to get these in one go as a .RIS or other sensible file (batches of only 2000 are possible). To circumvent this problem, I wanted to use the Magic Wand read-in of DOIs (I can get those in .csv format at least in chunks of 20k entries out of the database).
Copy-pasting them into the magic wand tool ended with only some of the references being converted into Zotero entries and no way to tell, which ones were missing (see related issue: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/105443/magic-wand-bulk-import-how-to-identify-what-is-missing/p1).
Checking in small batches showed that this is not an issue with the DOIs, they are recognised fine.
After some trial and error, it seems that about 200 DOIs are consistently translated into Zotero entries.
Is there a way to prepare, read-in, provide... the DOIs in a different format or way so that the Magic Wand works? (or is this a Windows/ working memory problem?)
Version: Zotero 6.0.18
Given that I need to get those references from Scopus, there is no way for me to get these in one go as a .RIS or other sensible file (batches of only 2000 are possible). To circumvent this problem, I wanted to use the Magic Wand read-in of DOIs (I can get those in .csv format at least in chunks of 20k entries out of the database).
Copy-pasting them into the magic wand tool ended with only some of the references being converted into Zotero entries and no way to tell, which ones were missing (see related issue: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/105443/magic-wand-bulk-import-how-to-identify-what-is-missing/p1).
Checking in small batches showed that this is not an issue with the DOIs, they are recognised fine.
After some trial and error, it seems that about 200 DOIs are consistently translated into Zotero entries.
Is there a way to prepare, read-in, provide... the DOIs in a different format or way so that the Magic Wand works? (or is this a Windows/ working memory problem?)
Version: Zotero 6.0.18
Any decent solution I can think of for that amount of import will require outside scripting -- specifically, you'd need to hit either the CrossRef API or the OpenAlex API with politely spaced metadata requests, then turn these into reasonably sized files for import (I wouldn't try to import more than 5,000 or so items at once, especially not on the 6.x for Windows version which has memory constraints).
Alternatively, getting and importing 25-30 RIS files also isn't that much of an issue...
From the 6.0.27 changelog: